Our parish priest writes:

I’d like to thank you for your generosity that you show towards the parish. The coming weeks will be difficult for all of us, and we are particularly mindful of those whose jobs and lives are put on hold because of this pandemic. We want to be here for you during these difficult times.
You may or may not know that the only income we receive is from you, the parishioners. The past few weeks, with the closing of the church, has seen our income reduce down to almost nothing. We still have bills to pay!
If you are able to do so, please would you consider continuing your regular giving by setting up a Standing Order or make a donation online using your bank card through our secure “virtual collection basket” below. If you are a UK taxpayer, please do complete the Gift Aid details – for every £1 you give, we receive another 25p for free.
My the Lord bless you for your generosity.