The church, opened in 2006, is based on classic ecclesiastical lines, with its enclosed courtyard and cloister linking the complex to the church. The simple lines of the church, furnished and decorated in black, white and maple, help us to focus on that which is helpful to prayer and worship.
The focus as you enter is the Sacrament House, which contains the Blessed Sacrament and also provides a focus for private prayer and devotion – a place to stop, to be still and to ponder. The Sacrament House is in the form of the Burning Bush of Exodus from which God tells Moses he stands on holy ground. Designed by Terence and Rebecca Clarke for this church, it is made from stainless steel and raised on a plinth, treated to give the effect of leaves aflame, yet not consumed.
See the Sacrament House over the baptismal font: the waters through which we enter in order to participate in the life of the Church and become part of the Body of Christ. Every time we enter the church we bless ourselves and are reminded of the living water, which is Christ himself.
The stone altar is designed in a classical style. Behind it is a figure of Christ, designed by Peter Eugene Ball, which evokes images of crucifixion, death, new life and cosmic existence. The apse containing the statue of the Virgin Mary is in the south-west wall.
Stations of the Cross line the far wall of the church.