Sunday afternoon teas
We hold a monthly afternoon tea in St Bede’s church hall on the last Sunday of the month.
It’s a chance to meet for prayer, conversation, fellowship, tea and cake.
Donations are welcome and go to Cafod.
The Catenian Association offers a social network that provides support to members based on friendships built on the firm foundations of a shared faith. This friendship is developed by attending a meeting monthly followed by a shared meal and by providing a varied social programme in which wives and families are fully involved. Support is both practical and spiritual: by steadfast friendship in times of trouble; by offering financial help when needed and through prayer. This support continues with on-going concern for a deceased member’s widow and dependants.
Basingstoke African Caribbean Catholic Association (BACCA) brings African and Caribbean families together to enable them increase their sense of belonging in the parish and the community on the basis of their faith and common background. We meet every four to eight weeks in the North Basingstoke area and celebrate Black History month with a Mass in October.
The Knights of St Columba are a group of Catholic men who meet at St Bede’s monthly for prayer, faith-sharing and fellowship. We aim to support the Church’s mission and each other. We have members aged in their 20s and others in their 60s. If you’re a Catholic man keen to make new friends and get involved with the life of the Church please come along. Be assured of a warm welcome! Keep up to date with the ‘Knights’ local news in Basingstoke on Facebook.
With your generous support of the ‘Lucky Me’ draw, we raise funds which enable them to support charities locally and internationally. It pays better odds than the Lottery, and it is well worth supporting. The funds that aren’t paid out as prizes go to support our charitable aims. You can join by giving your name, address and phone number to the Parish office, or putting this information in an envelope, marked ‘Lucky Me’ Draw, in the Offertory collection.